Beat Magazine August 1996 |
Never listens to music.
by Morten Staale Nilsen.
Now, here comes Fiona Apple, and she looks just like we pictured her, after listening to the 18 year old's debut-album, Tidal. We`re talking classic "girlschool"; Thin(very thin, probably not more than 45 kilos..), pale, intelligent expresion, beautiful long hair and rather nervous body language. "Arty". Yes, Fiona Apple is a singer/songwriter of the sensitive and "arty" kind, and during our conversation she manages to fulfill all of the clichès of such.. Nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with "Tidal", either. A nice piece of advanced pop-music. She comes, of course, from an artistic New York-family; her father is an actor and her mother a singer and dancer.. Did anyone say Central Park`s West liberals..? Nothing wrong with that either.
- I never listen to music, she says, a wee bit disappointing. It`s never been important to me to listen to other artists. I read.
Alright. Why doesen`t she write books, then?
-I started playing the piano when I was eight, and I`ve written songs ever since. Well, not "real" songs.. When I went into the studio to make "Tidal", I didn`t have enough songs for an entire album. I had to write like crazy the weeks before the recordings started, *force* myself to get something on paper. It was hard, and I never actually thought it would work. But I surprised myself.
When BEAT meets Fiona in Amsterdam, she has just done her fourth gig. Ever. Scary?
-I`m getting used to it. I knew that doing concerts would make an enormous impression on me - and it has. But it`s gone well so far.
So young. So sensitive. So talented. Quite a burden?
- I know that a lot of people will try and use my age against me. It`s obvious. But what am I to do? Apologize for being young?
That would be too dumb, says Fiona. 18.
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