This Mind This Body & This Voice mailing list
Everybody's favorite Fiona forum for discussion. Subjects are open to just about anything. For Fiona fans only!
 get all the latest Fiona Apple news.
Apple Addicts Anonymous
This is a discussion mailing list for Fiona Apple fans run by the owner of fionahaswings.com.
If there are any Fiona Apple addicts out there then this is the list for you. We will talk about her music, lyrics, personal life, touring, info... anything that has to do with THE GODDESS! So, if you are a TRUE Fiona fan then subscribe now...This is only for the true appleheads!
Just your basic FAN list for Fiona Apple. She deserves one. And I think it should be fairly open as I know she is... We're here to discuss whatever she brings out as our muse.
a page for Fi's Fans
If you know of any mailing lists that are not listed here, and you're willing to tell me about them, please email me! ThisVoice@excite.com